Who We Are

The Journey Guide Project was founded by three professionals, each with a set of unique experiences and skills:

  • family physician, hospice director & health system leader

  • mental health therapist with expertise in resiliency

  • community public health activist & grief advocate

Utilizing our combined experience and specialized knowledge, we guide medical and health professionals to reframe stress, strengthen their understanding of the mind-body connection, and better support patients with a serious or chronic disease.

  • Kami Norland, MA, ATR


    Kami began her career as an outpatient psychotherapist specializing in art therapy, the healing power of creativity, and mind-body medicine. She holds a master’s degree in art therapy, is a registered art therapist, and has earned a mind-body medicine certification from Harvard Medical School.

  • Mary Ann Boe


    Mary Ann has been a leader in the death and dying community for over 30 years. Her credentials for end-of-life work began with her son's 14-year sojourn with death, which continues to motivate her life's work. She is certified as an End of Life Doula and serves as a key member of multiple compassionate community organizations.

  • Greg Kutcher, MD


    Greg’s journey as a physician, hospice director, and health system leader has reinforced his belief that patients & their caregivers need to take a more active role in their medical care. He has a zest for research and a passion for helping both patients and providers facilitate conversations on shared medical decision-making.

Select your path:

Whether you are a professional in the caring/medical world, or you or a loved one are facing a serious illness, you’ve come to the right place.

We help patients and caregivers navigate their shared medical decision-making, strengthen resilience, and explore grief and its impact on disease and healing processes.

All three founders have experienced firsthand how rigid institutional approaches to life changes and stress can do more harm than good.

Based on their extensive research in medicine and the social sciences, they developed a model that guides the patient in becoming an ACTIVE member of their medical care team. Important health decisions are made based on the patient’s lived experience, preferences for care, and the unique journey of wellbeing.  

Explore our latest online course for health professionals…

Overcoming System Barriers:
Resiliency, Grief, and The Patient Narrative

“There is a need in the community for people to know that their story involves mind, body, and spirit, and to understand that grief is an integral part of their medical journey. I believe the Journey Guide Project provides resources for patients to make this all possible.”

— Nina G. End-of-Life Doula